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(52) Park, S., Bisht, H., Park, S., Jeong, J., Hong, Y., Chu, D., Koh, M., & Hong, D.*, “Melanin-Inspired Maleimide Coatings on Various Substrates for Rapid Thiol FunctionalizationMacromol. Biosci., 2400616 (2025).

(51) Budluang, P.+, Kim, J. E.+, Park, E. S., Seol, A., Jang, H. J., Kang, M. S., Kim, Y. H., Choi, J., Kim, S., Kim, S., Koh, M., Kang, H. Y., Kim, B. H., Han, D. W., Hwang, D. Y.*, & Chung Y. H.*, “N-benzyl-N-methyldecane-1-amine derived from garlic ameliorates UVB-induced photoaging in HaCaT cells and SKH-1 hairless miceSci. Rep., 15, 6979 (2025) (+ equal contribution).

(50) Lee, Y. R.+, Lee, J.+, Hong, S.+, Lee, S. Y., Lee, W. H., Koh, M., Chang, I. S. & Lee, S.*, “Optimization of Electroporation Conditions for Introducing Heterologous DNA into Rhodobacter sphaeroidesJ. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 34 (11), 2347–2352 (2024) (+ equal contribution). 

(49) Yoo, J., Jo, J., Ha, S., Kwak, J., Kim, M.-J., Kim, J., Lee, H., Kim, D., Kim, B. M., Kim, J., Yun, H., Koh, M.* & Chung, K. W.*, “NRF2 Activation by AR-20007 Preserves Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells from Antimycin A-Induced Cell Death via Glutathione Metabolism RegulationBiol. Pharm. Bull., 47 (9), 1557–1564 (2024).

(48) Pigula, M., Lai, Y.-C., Koh, M., Diercks, C. S., Rogers, T. F., Dik, D. A.* & Schultz, P. G.*, “An unnatural amino acid dependent, conditional Pseudomonas vaccine prevents bacterial infectionNat. Commun. 15 (1), 6766 (2024).

(47) Choi, J., Ahn, J., Bae, J., Yoon, M., Yun, H. & Koh, M.*, “Designing a Novel Temperature- and Noncanonical Amino Acid-Controlled Biological Logic Gate in Escherichia coliACS Synth. Biol., 13 (8), 2587–2599 (2024).

(46) Yim, J.+, Park, J.+, Kim, G.+, Lee, H. H., Chung, J. S., Jo, A.*, Koh, M.* & Park, J.*, “Conditional PROTAC: Recent Strategies for Modulating Targeted Protein DegradationChemMedChem, e202400326, (2024) (+ equal contribution).


(45) Lee, H., Park, J.- Y., Yoon, J., Park, W., Kang, M., Lee, J., Park, G., Koh, M., Kim, H., Sohn, C. H., Lee, S.*, & Kim, E.*, “Bioorthogonal imaging probe for STING protein in live cell and fixed tissueSens. Actuators B Chem. 412, 135773 (2024).

(44) Eum, D. -Y., Lee, C., Tran, C. S., Lee, J., Park, S. Y., Jeong, M.- S., Jin, Y., Shim, J. W., Lee, S. R., Koh, M., Vasileva, E. A., Mishchemko, N. P., Park, S.- J., Choi, S. H., Choi, Y. J.*, Yun, H.* & Heo, K.*, “Regulatory role of Echinochrome A in cancer-associated fibroblast-mediated lung cancer cell migrationToxicol. Res. 40, 409–419 (2024).

(43) Lim, W.+, Lee, S.+, Koh, M.*, Jo, A.* & Park, J.*, “Recent advances in chemical biology tools for protein and RNA profiling of extracellular vesiclesRSC Chem. Biol. 5, 483–499 (2024) (+ equal contribution).

(42) Bae, J.+, Kim, J.+, Choi, J., Lee, H. & Koh, M.*, “Split Proteins and Reassembly Modules for Biological ApplicationsChemBioChem 25 (10), e202400123 (2024) (+ equal contribution).

(41) Tran, C. S..+, Yoon, M..+, Le, L. D., Kim, S., Kim, H., Kim, J., Nguyen, L. H., Koh, M.* & Yun, H.*, “Rapid access to cis-1,3-dialkylindanes: asymmetric formal syntheses of epi-Mutisianthol and epi-JungianolSynthesis 56 (9), 1401–1406 (2024) (+ equal contribution).​

(40) Lee, H.+, Kim, J.+ & Koh, M.*, “Medium-Sized Ring Expansion Strategies: Enhancing Small-Molecule Library DevelopmentMolecules 29 (7), 1562 (2024) (+ equal contribution).

(39) Kwon, Y. S., Cho, Y. E., Kim, Y., Koh, M.* & Hwang, S*, “Dimethyloxalylglycine Suppresses SREBP1c and Lipogenic Gene Expressions in Hepatocytes Independently of HIF1ACurr. Issues Mol. Biol. 46 (3), 2386–2397 (2024).

(38) Baek, S. Y., Lee, J., Kim, T., Lee, H., Choi, H. S., Park, H., Koh, M., Kim, E., Jung, M. E., Iliopoulos, D., Lee, J. Y., Kim, J.* & Lee, S.*, “Development of a novel histone deacetylase inhibitor unveils the role of HDAC11 in alleviating depression by inhibition of microglial activationBiomed., Pharmacother. 166, 115312 (2023).

(37) Choi, J., Ahn, J., Bae, J. & Koh, M.*, “Recent synthetic biology approaches for temperature- and light-controlled gene expression in bacterial hostsMolecules 27 (20), 6798 (2022).

(36) Lee, S.+, Kim, J.+ & Koh, M.*, “Recent advances in fluorescence imaging by genetically encoded non-canonical amino acidsJ. Mol. Biol. 434 (8), 167248 (2022) (+ equal contribution).


(35) Koh, M., Ahmad, I., Ko, Y., Zhang, Y., Martinez, T. F., Diedrich, J. K., Chu, Q., Moresco, J. J., Erb, M. A., Saghatelian, A.*, Schultz, P. G.* & Bollong, M. J.*, “A short ORF-encoded transcriptional regulatorProc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 118 (4), e2021943118 (2021).

(34) Holloran, N., Collins, D., Rathnayake, U., Zhang, B., Koh, M., Kang, C. & Garner, P.*, “Site-specific synthesis of cysteine-bridged glycoproteins via expressed protein glycoligationBioconjug. Chem. 31 (10), 2362–2366 (2020).

(33) Zambaldo, C.+, Koh, M.+, Nasertorabi, F.+, Han, G. W., Chatterjee, A.*, Stevens, R. C.* & Schultz, P. G.*, “An orthogonal seryl-tRNA synthetase/tRNA pair for noncanonical amino acid mutagenesis in Escherichia coliBioorg. Med. Chem. 28 (20), 115662 (2020). (+ equal contribution)

(32) Zambaldo, C.*, Vinogradova, E. V.*, Qi, X., Iaconelli, J., Suciu, R. M., Koh, M., Senkane, K., Chadwick, S. R., Sanchez, B. B., Chen, J. S., Chatterjee, A. K., Liu, P., Schultz, P. G., Cravatt, B. F. & Bollong, M. J.*, “2-Sulfonyl pyridines as tunable, cysteine-reactive electrophilesJ. Am. Chem. Soc. 142 (19), 8972–8979 (2020).

(31) Shao, S., Koh, M. & Schultz, P. G.*, “Expanding the genetic code of the human hematopoietic systemProc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 117 (16), 8845–8849 (2020).

(30) Koh, M.+, Yao, A.+, Gleason, P. R., Mills, J. H. & Schultz, P. G.*, “A general strategy for engineering noncanonical amino acid dependent bacterial growthJ. Am. Chem. Soc. 141 (41), 16213–16216 (2019). (+ equal contribution)

(29) Koh, M.+, Cho, H.-Y.+, Yu, C., Choi, S., Lee, K.-B.* & Schultz, P. G.*, “Site-specific incorporation of a dithiolane containing amino acid into proteins”, Bioconjug. Chem. 30 (8), 2102–2105 (2019). (+ equal contribution)

(28) Yao, A., Reed, S. A., Koh, M., Yu, C., Luo, X., Mehta, A. P. & Schultz, P. G.*, “Progress toward a reduced phage genetic code”, Bioorg. Med. Chem. 26 (19), 5247–5252 (2018).

(27) Xuan, W., Collins, D., Koh, M., Shao, S., Yao, A., Xiao, H., Garner, P.* & Schultz, P. G.*, “Site-specific incorporation of a thioester containing amino acid into proteins”, ACS Chem. Biol. 13 (3), 578–581 (2018).

(26) Jang, J. Y., Koh, M., Bae, H., An, D. R., Im, H. N., Kim, H.S., Yoon, J. Y., Yoon, H. J., Han, B. W., Park, S. B. & Suh, S. W.*, “Structural basis for differential activities of enantiomeric PPARγ agonists: Binding of S35 to the alternate site”, Biochim. Biophys. Acta – Proteins and Proteomics 1865 (6), 674–681 (2017).

(25) Koh, M., Nasertorabi, F., Han, G. W., Stevens, R. C.* & Schultz, P. G.*, “Generation of an orthogonal protein-protein interface with a noncanonical amino acid”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139 (16), 5728–5731 (2017).

(24) Song, G. J., Nam, Y., Jo, M., Jung, M., Koo, J. Y., Cho, W., Koh, M., Park, S. B.* & Suk, K.*, “A novel small-molecule agonist of PPAR-γ potentiates an anti-inflammatory M2 glial phenotype”, Neuropharmacology 109, 159–169 (2016).

(23) Park, J., Koh, M., Koo, J. Y., Lee, S. & Park, S. B.*, “Investigation of specific binding proteins to photoaffinity linkers for efficient deconvolution of target protein”, ACS Chem. Biol. 11 (1), 44–52 (2016).

(22) Choi, S. S., Kim, E. S., Koh, M., Lee, S. J., Lim, D. H., Yang, Y. R., Jang, H. J., Seo, K. A., Min, S. H., Lee, I. H., Park, S. B., Suh, P. G. & Choi, J. H.*, “A novel non-agonist peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR gamma) ligand UHC1 blocks PPAR gamma phosphorylation by cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5) and improves insulin sensitivity”, J. Biol. Chem. 289 (38), 26618–26629 (2014).

(21) Koh, M., Park, J., Koo, J. Y., Lim, D., Cha, M. Y., Jo, A., Choi, J. H. & Park, S. B.* “Phenotypic screening to identify small-molecule enhancers for glucose uptake: target identification and rational optimization of their efficacy”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53 (20), 5102–5106 (2014).

(20) Kim, D. K., Jeong, J. H., Lee, J. M., Kim, K. S., Park, S. H., Kim, Y. D., Koh, M., Shin, M., Jung. Y. S., Kim, H. S., Lee, T. H., Oh, B. C., Kim, J. I., Park, H. T., Jeong, W. I., Lee, C. H., Park, S. B., Min, J. J., Jung, S. I., Choi, S. Y., Choy, H. E.* & Choi, H. S.* “Inverse agonist of ERRgamma controls Salmonella typhimurium infection by modulating host iron homeostasis”, Nat. Med. 20, 419–424 (2014).

(19) Koo, J. Y., Oh, S., Cho, S. R., Koh, M., Oh, W. K., Choi, H. S.* & Park, S. B.* “Total synthesis of eryvarin H and its derivatives and their biological activity as ERRgamma inverse agonist”, Org. Biomol. Chem. 11, 5782–5786 (2013).

(18) Kim, D. K., Gang, G. T., Ryu, D., Koh, M., Kim, Y. N., Kim, S. S., Park, J., Kim, Y. H., Sim, T., Lee, I. K., Choi, C. S., Park, S. B.*, Lee, C. H.*, Koo, S. H.* & Choi, H. S.* “Inverse agonist of nuclear receptor ERRgamma mediates antidiabetic effect through inhibition of hepatic gluconeogenesis”, Diabetes 62, 3093–3102 (2013).

(17) Kim, D. K., Kim, Y. H., Jang, H. H., Park, J., Kim, J. R., Koh, M., Jeong, W. I., Koo, S. H., Park, T. S., Yun, C. H., Park, S. B., Chiang, J. Y., Lee, C. H.* & Choi, H. S.* “Estrogen-related receptor gamma controls hepatic CB1 receptor-mediated CYP2E1 expression and oxidative liver injury by alcohol”, Gut 62, 1044–1054 (2013).

(16) Park, J.+, Koh, M.+, & Park, S.B.* “From noncovalent to covalent bonds: a paradigm shift in target protein identification”, Mol. Biosyst. 9, 544–550 (2013). (+ equal contribution)

(15) Kim, D. K., Ryu, D., Koh, M., Lee, M. W., Lim, D., Kim, M. J., Kim, Y. H., Cho, W. J., Lee, C. H., Park, S. B.*, Koo, S. H.* & Choi, H. S.* “Orphan nuclear receptor estrogen-related receptor gamma (ERRgamma) is key regulator of hepatic gluconeogenesis”, J. Biol. Chem. 287, 21628–21639 (2012).

(14) Zhu, M., Lim, B. J., Koh, M. & Park, S. B.* “Construction of polyheterocyclic benzopyran library with diverse core skeletons through diversity-oriented synthesis pathway: part II”, ACS Comb. Sci. 14, 124–134 (2012).

(13) Kim, D. K., Kim, J. R., Koh, M., Kim, Y. D., Lee, J. M., Chanda, D., Park, S. B., Min, J. J., Lee, C. H., Park, T. S. & Choi, H. S.* “Estrogen-related receptor gamma (ERRgamma) is a novel transcriptional regulator of phosphatidic acid phosphatase, LIPIN1, and inhibits hepatic insulin signaling”, J. Biol. Chem. 286, 38035–38042 (2011).

(12) Koh, M., Park, J., An, H. & Park, S. B.* “Ratiometric analysis of zidovudine (ZDV) incorporation by reverse transcriptases or polymerases via bio-orthogonal click chemistry”, Chem. Commun. (Camb.) 47, 7614–7616 (2011).

(11) Kim, E., Koh, M., Lim, B. J. & Park, S. B.* “Emission wavelength prediction of a full-color-tunable fluorescent core skeleton, 9-aryl-1,2-dihydropyrrolo[3,4-b]indolizin-3-one”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 6642–6649 (2011).

(10) Srivastava, A. K., Koh, M. & Park, S. B.* “A synthetic route to highly substituted 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolines via Yb(OTf)3 -catalyzed diastereoselective ring opening of bridged oxazolidines: asymmetric synthesis of 2-azapodophyllotoxin”, Chem. Eur. J. 17, 4905–4913 (2011).

(9) Koh, M. & Park, S. B.* “Computer-aided design and synthesis of tetra-aryl-substituted alkenes and their bioevaluation as a selective modulator of estrogen-related receptor gamma”, Mol. Divers. 15, 69–81 (2011).

(8) Kim, Y., Koh, M., Kim, D. K., Choi, H. S. & Park, S. B.* “Efficient discovery of selective small molecule agonists of estrogen-related receptor gamma using combinatorial approach”, J. Comb. Chem. 11, 928–937 (2009).

(7) Kim, S. Y., Park, J., Koh, M., Park, S. B.* & Hong, J. I.* “Fluorescent probe for detection of fluoride in water and bioimaging in A549 human lung carcinoma cells”, Chem. Commun. (Camb.), 4735–4737 (2009).

(6) Park, S. O., Kim, J., Koh, M. & Park, S. B.* “Efficient parallel synthesis of privileged benzopyranylpyrazoles via regioselective condensation of beta-keto aldehydes with hydrazines”, J. Comb. Chem. 11, 315–326 (2009).

(5) Sagar, R., Park, J., Koh, M. & Park, S. B.* “Diastereoselective synthesis of polycyclic acetal-fused pyrano[3,2-c]pyran-5(2H)-one derivatives”, J. Org. Chem. 74, 2171–2174 (2009).

(4) Kim, B., Lee, M., Kim, M. J., Lee, H., Kim, S., Kim, D.*, Koh, M., Park, S. B. & Shin, K. J. “Biomimetic asymmetric total synthesis of (-)-laurefucin via an organoselenium-mediated intramolecular hydroxyetherification”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 16807–16811 (2008).

(3) Kim, E., Koh, M., Ryu, J. & Park, S. B.* “Combinatorial discovery of full-color-tunable emissive fluorescent probes using a single core skeleton, 1,2-dihydropyrrolo[3,4-beta]indolizin-3-one”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 12206–12207 (2008).

(2) An, H., Eum, S. J., Koh, M., Lee, S. K. & Park, S. B.* “Diversity-oriented synthesis of privileged benzopyranyl heterocycles from s-cis-enones”, J. Org. Chem. 73, 1752–1761 (2008).

(1) Lee, H. Y., Kwon, J. T., Koh, M., Cho, M. H.* & Park, S. B.* “Enhanced efficacy of 7-hydroxy-3-methoxycadalene via glycosylation in in vivo xenograft study”, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 17, 6335–6339 (2007).


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